Large groups can book as many rooms available at the time you need during business hours easily though our online booking or contact us with inquiries about bookings outside of store operating hours!

COMING SOON.. We look forward to hosting your group! A party space will be provided for your private event.  

  • You can book as many rooms available through our online booking for your party. Please, contact us for large parties wanting to book outside of business hours.


    We would love to host in-house and coming soon we will.

    Party space will be provided at a space rental fee and you will be provided the building for your private event. Games will be an hour long, additional details will be posted here when available, check for all updates!

  • AREA: You will have the building for you and your party.

    GROUP SIZES: Will be posted when available.

    PRICING: Pricing will vary with group size plus a flat space rental fee.

    GAMES: Live escape games and your choice between VR escape games, ARVI Arena and Smashpoint.

    BOOKING TIME: Event time frames, along with pricing will be posted here when available.

    We would love to host you and your group — check here for all updates!